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© boshua

Love, Death & Polar Bears

Catherine Elsen (ILL)

Drowning polar bears, alternative facts and global politics make us hold our breath. We are shooting towards the apocalypse but still want to be seen, liked and accepted by others. So busy with ourselves, can we devote as much empathy to the world as it asks for? Has the gap between us and the other become too big? Love, Death and Polar Bears is a scream from the tip of an iceberg whose depth none of us can really predict. Schmaltzy pop songs, electronic effects, Persian poetry, humor and pathos create an eclectic concert-performance. Catherine Elsen (the one woman) will make her way through the dried out valleys and defrosting lands of the alienating world we currently live in.

Catherine Elsen is a multi-disciplinary performer, working at the interface between theatre, movement and music. She holds a ‘Postgraduate Diploma in Community Dance’ and a Master of Arts in Dance Theatre from Trinity Laban Conservatoire, London. Over the last 10 years, she has been exploring the psychic and theatrical expressivity of the singing voice and co-creating for and with various artists.

Concept, text and performance: Catherine Elsen

Sound design: Pouya Ehsaei

Music Consultancy: Pouya Ehsaei and Samuel Reinard

Music Composition: Catherine Elsen

Dramaturgical support and visuals: Marianne Villière

Costume design: Michèle Tonteling

External eye: Renelde Pierlot, Frédérique Colling

Lighting design and technical support: Krischan Kriesten

Production management: Jill Christophe

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