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Lundi littéraire special edition

Mike McQuaide

A little more than a year ago, Mike McQuaide exploded onto the Luxembourg scene and life in the Duchy has never been the same since. His Facebook page has attracted the attention of anyone interested in Luxembourg and his latest music video about learning the lingo has just gone viral. A risk-taker, adventurer-maker, musician and writer; ladies and gentlemen, we present: The American in Luxembourg who’ll perform live on stage in Differdange Monday, 23 April 2018 and read excerpts of his latest book An American in Luxembourg.

Seattle-area writer, Mike McQuaide, is excited when his wife accepts a job that requires his family relocate to Luxembourg. But he has a few questions. Like, where the hell is Luxembourg? And, what's the difference between Luxembourg and Lichtenstein? Perhaps most importantly: do they have crunchy peanut butter in Luxembourg? Nonetheless, in early 2013, the McQuaides, including 14-year-old son Baker, pick up and move 8,000 kilometers east to the world's only Grand Duchy. ('What's the hell's a grand duchy?' Mike wonders.) In time, all of Mike's questions are answered as he discovers that Luxembourg is truly the green heart of Europe, a magical land of castles, epic cycling spots and a super-welcoming citizenry able to speak just about any language that's thrown at them. He discovers too, that Luxembourg is a place he just might never want to leave.

With his uniquely witty and humourous style Mike McQuiade shares his discoveries with his readers, offering an interesting insight into the process of becoming a Luxembourgish citizen but also enabling locals to rediscover their country through the author’s lens. Let’s embark together on this riveting journey Monday, 23rd April at 20pm at the Aalt Stadhaus in Differdange!

Lecture en anglais

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